Donations to the Baptist Church Linz

At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn
their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality.
2 Corinthian 8:14

As a Baptist congregation, we see ourselves in the tradition of the free churches. In the area of finances, this means that we want to make do with what the Lord provides for our congregation. The projects and activities as well as the church budget are financed exclusively by voluntary donations.
If you would like to support us, we ask that you also indicate in your donation which project you would like us to use your donation for. If no information is given, we will use the donation for the church budget (running costs, rent, consumables and so much more).
Donations concerning the reorganisation of the Baptist Church are tax-deductible and must therefore be transferred to a separate account.

Church - Bank account

(for our every day budget)


Baptistengemeinde Linz

Raimundstraße 20, 4020 Linz

IBAN : AT16 3400 0000 0137 1657





Building account for our new building

(Donations in Austria are tax deductible)


Hilfsverein der Baptisten Österreichs

Krummgasse 7/4, 1030 Wien

IBAN: AT52 1200 0516 0860 0335